Thursday, July 11, 2013

Up North

Each year, we spend one week up north with the Stephan side.  We look forward to family time, boat rides, no schedule, and enjoying the Minnesota summer.  This year we went to Nisswa and LOVED Gull Lake, the quaint downtown, and the weather was perfect!! 
Henry's first boat ride, the first of many over this week!

We may or may not have visited the local coffee shop a few times in downtown Nisswa.

This girl is a fish!!  Anything to do with water, she is all over it!!

Happy 4th of July from these two cuties!!

She LOVES to fish...I can't decide if it is the actual fishing or just being with daddy that she loves the most!

I completely took advantage of Henry sleeping on the boat...this meant cuddle time for mom with my little guy who is always on the go!

Thank you Stephan's for a great week up north!  I love that my kids have a special week to look forward to each year with Grandpa and Grandma Stephan!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Henry Boy is 9 months old!

How is my baby boy already 9 months old?!?!  I can't say this is enough but Henry continues to be the BEST, easiest, most content, and lovable little guy!  We can go all day without hearing one cry or even a fuss!  Henry ~ you are the icing on the cake little man!! 

Here is what you are up to lately...
  • You still sleep about 12-13 hours a night and take two naps during the day for about 2 hours lie.
  • You are just starting to eat real people food and it's as if you look at us and say, "Why have you been holding out on me all this time?!"  You are a lover of food!
  • Caroline is still the highlight of your day!
  • You are just starting to crawl and are pretty proud of yourself.
  • You love music and will rock your body when your sister is singing and love to play with her instruments.
  • You are going to be into everything because the little crawling you are doing is making you already cause mischief :)
  • I still can't get myself to take you to get a've gotten a few "hipster" comments lately so I'm taking those as a compliment and continuing to prolong the first haircut.
  • We can take you anywhere without a problem...many times, you will be so quiet and just take it all in when we are out and about.
  • We might as well not buy you toys because you either play with Caroline's toys or measuring cups (your favorite)
  • We can't get enough of you and love you SOOOO much!

You are 9 months old!!!

Your best buddy

Crawling is hard work!!!

Happy 4th Birthday Caroline Kay!!

Sweet Caroline,

What pure joy you bring to our family!  You have grown into a funny, artistic, spunky, and smart little girl!  Your dad and I think the world of you.  This year you became a big sister and it's been so fun to watch your little brother's eyes light up when you enter the room.  You are growing up before our eyes.  We are wanting life to slow down but you are loving that you are a big girl!  We were so blessed the day you came into our lives and are blessed that God made you ours!

Mommy and Daddy are busy and are VERY stubborn know what you want!  Here are some highlights about you turning 4...
  • You went to school with Mommy all day and LOVED it!  You even ate lunch with girls in my class without me there.  You are ready for school.
  • You are beginning to write your name.  You will write the letters c, r, l, and i with no problems.
  • You are beginning to not take naps.  We are not ready for this!!
  • You dote on your little brother and do anything you can to make him laugh!
  • You love riding your bike!
  • You love to sing and put on performances for us.  You use the fireplace as your stage.
  • You love playing with friends and often ask if you can have friends over to play.
  • You love going to Katy's house and Sunday school and are doing awesome at both places.
  • You say "bdult" a lot (adult) and I love it!  You always talk about what "bdults" can do and what little kids can do.
  • You are a girly girl who loves princesses, dolls, pink Legos, drawing, and playing with mommy's old barbies.  But you also love to play outside, get dirty, play with balls, and run around.
  • You are a fish when it comes to swimming.  People comment on how comfortable you are in the jump off diving boards, put your head under water, and have a hard time leaving the pool.
  • You are always saying "You are the best mommy!"  "You are the best daddy!"  And you know what sweet are the best!!

Birth Day June 2, 2009

1st Birthday

2 years old

3rd birthday

4th Birthday

Friday, April 12, 2013


We spent a wonderful week in Fort Myers Beach, FL.  We boarded the flight in hopes of a few things:  nice weather, uninterrupted family time, and relaxation!  We got all three while we were there!!  We were a little nervous about Henry's first flight but as you can see...he did pretty darn well!

Caroline LOVED the beach, daily ice cream trips (clearly takes after her mom :) ), playing in the sand, and being Miss Independent in the pool. 
This girl isn't having any fun at all!!

Sweet Caroline...everything we did, she loved!!  She could stare at the fish all day!

She is her mother's daughter...a lover of ANYTHING sweet!  We enjoyed our nightly trips to get ice cream!
All smiles from everyone...what a great week!

Happy Easter!

Henry's highlights included:  playing in his beach tent, napping in his beach tent, not wearing socks, and hanging out in his diaper in the warm sun...nothing cuter than a baby in just their diaper! 
They don't resemble each other at all ;)
Henry is the EASIEST baby ever...he napped in his tent, played in his tent, and ate in his tent.  He was content as could be while his sister played in the sand.

Sweet Henry boy!

This trip is exactly what we needed...time to be together, time to be away from the cold weather, and no schedule to stick to!  Now...summer countdown begins!!  (41 school days but who is counting!)

Thursday, March 28, 2013's been great but it's time to move on!

We have had a fun winter with our two kiddos but we are DONE with the snow and cold temperatures!  Caroline experienced a few "firsts" this winter...
Catching her first fish while ice fishing!!

She had a wonderful day with daddy and Baka Terry!
Her first time riding on a snowmobile!!  She loved it!

Building her first snowfort!

We have had a wonderful, busy winter but we are ready for it to be done! we come!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

My mom and dad put on a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt every year.  This year was the 8th Annual Easter Egg Hunt.  It has been extra special in the last few years where we have little kids to enjoy the hunt.  This year was no exception!
Baka Dave and all his grandkids

Boy...does she love her uncle Jesse!

Kade and Caroline checking out their eggs

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Henry David...already 6 months!

Oh sweet Henry!!  You continue to be the BEST baby and little brother!  You are such a joy and a blessing.  Here is what you are up to these days:
  • Your sister calls you Henry Boy and it melts my heart!
  • She loves to play with you, she calls you a dwarf when she is Snow White, and she tells you it's ok when you get upset.  No one can make you smile like she does!!
  • You love how your tongue feels against your teeth so every picture lately is like the one above :)
  • You are an eat anything and everything.  You have tried peaches, pears, apples, bananas, sweet potatoes, squash, peas, carrots, and oatmeal and you love them all!
  • You go to bed at 6:30 and wake up at 6:30.  On the weekends, you'll wake up at 6:30, eat, and then sleep until 8...I didn't lie when I said the BEST baby!!!
  • You take two naps: one hour in the morning and 2-3 hours in the I said, BEST baby!!
  • You LOVE watching your sister and you think she is the funniest person ever!  You light up when you see her.
  • You are a mover!!!  I should have known because that's how you were in me too!!  When being held, you often are kicking your legs, thrashing your head, and look like you are about to take off!
  • You've discovered how to spit out your tongue and spray food...not so fun!
  • You've rolled over a few times but seem uninterested because your crazy sister is too much entertainment for you :)
  • You love sitting up but need support.
  • You LOVE your exersaucer the best!
  • You still do NOT cry!!!  At times you scream when food isn't coming in fast enough but you don't cry!
  • Kristine still takes care of you and will for one more month.  She adores you and you are in wonderful hands!
  • She drops you off at school everyday and my students love to see you everyday! 
Henry, we are SOOO in love with you!